We have a critical review of Michael Heads' new book on Molecular Panbiogeography of the Tropics in the June issue of Taxon. My favorite part is the quote that leads off the review: “Or they asserted that all those landlubbery creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge, or had swum short distances between stepping stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves. But scientists using their big brains and cunning instruments had by 1986 made maps of the ocean floor. There wasn’t a trace, they said, of an intervening land mass of any kind.” Kurt Vonnegut, Galápagos (1985) Congratulations to all the lab members who are graduating this year. Gordon received his PhD and will be moving on to a postdoctoral position in Nancy Moran's Lab at Yale. Crystal got her Bachelor's degree in Molecular Toxicology and is applying to Pharmacy School. Best of luck to you both in the future!
We're going to celebrate the end of the semester at Chester's Bay View Cafe this Thursday, 3 May, at 4:00.
Come and hear about Crystal Teng's honors thesis research. Her talk is scheduled for 12:24 on Friday in 114 Morgan Hall. See you there!
First year graduate student Jessica Craft received honorable mention for her NSF GRFP and Ford Foundation proposals.
Second year graduate student Lisa Marrack was awarded a George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship. More information on the program is here: http://coenv.washington.edu/students/melendez_wright/
PatrickProfessor Archives
April 2018