![]() The third chapter of Gordon's dissertation has been accepted at the Journal of Biogeography. This paper examines the interplay between historical biogeography and ecological opportunity in the native Hawaiian Nesophrosyne radiation.
Lab Meetings are Friday from 11-1230 in Hilgard 112. The first 20 minutes will be dedicated to lab business and progress reports from each lab member. Please come prepared to discuss your progress in the past week and your plans for the coming week. The remainder of lab meeting will be research presentations. Here's the schedule:
1 Feb: No lab meeting 8 Feb: Lisa 15 Feb: Kari 22 Feb: Brian 1 March: Jessica 8 March: Natalie April: We will have a joint group meeting with the Will Lab in April. I will also present on the lab's progress and goals at the end of April. May: End of semester party Here's an essay in the chronicle of higher education that give some great advice for grad students (it's also pretty relevant for postdocs and early career faculty too).
http://chronicle.com/article/Graduate-School-Is-a-Means-to/131316/ |
PatrickProfessor Archives
April 2018